Move & Live with Ease
I just turned 60 this year. I spent some time reflecting on my 50’s, where I am now and what’s next.
60 feels great!
My first thought: “this is not what I thought 60 would feel like.” I feel great! Healthier and stronger than 10 years ago! A blessing to be sure – but not by pure chance. Sure, I have good genes, and I can afford healthy food, clean water and air – some basics for which I am grateful. I also choose to make self-care and healthcare my responsibility.
Unwinding on all levels - a key to ease!
In my 50’s I learned/was certified in both Therapeutic Yoga and Bowenwork. I finally fulfilled a dream to lead a Yamas/Niyamas study group here. (We just finished our 3rdyear!) As I work with both myself and my clients/students, I see us all “unwinding” stiffness, stuck patterns of movement, bloated bellies, grumpy low backs, cranky shoulders, and even old negative thought patterns. Freedom from sciatica, self-doubt, damaged shoulders and knees, and so much more. Also, for much of my 50’s I have had chronic Lyme and Bartonella (another tick-born critter) and while I still have some pain in hands and feet, I have regained my vital energy this past year. And I have learned how to dance with my dog Jessie!I added doTerra essential oils to my “tool kit” of self-care and wiped out that nasty flu last January in a couple days, avoided spring allergies, purified my home and more, without needing chemicals and pharmaceuticals with their expense and side-effects.
Committed to a daily personalized practice
I have a deeply ingrained morning practice that I pretty much never miss: a combination of mat time, chanting, pranayama and meditation. Mat time blends classic asana with therapeutics, Bowen, Somatics, neuro-developmental movement – as my body and my life require. I have learned how to slow down and listen to the whispers of my body, mind, soul – and to follow (usually!) what it asks for. See me for a personalized program!
I am filled with gratitude for my life, my blessings, my family and friends. I am filled with gratitude and faith in my ability as a human being to practice a new-found ease and grace as I face life knowing I cannot control anything other than my own thoughts and actions. I have so much knowledge (and dare I say now, as a “senior” citizen, wisdom?) about how to help myself and others find more ease, greater well-being, and even grace as we age, face life, including the inevitable changes and losses. And the journey continues.
Self-mastery as a Spiritual Path
Come join me – whether in a yoga class, therapeutic Yoga or Bowenwork session, doTerra essential oils class – or a new Group starting in September. Fulfilling another long-held dream, in this group we’ll explore how to find freedom from whatever “prisons” we may find ourselves in, using metaphor and the fairy tale of the Three Pigs -- Pigs Eat Wolves: Self-Mastery as a Spiritual Path. FMI click here.
“A spiritual path forces one to pass through a series of predicaments, confusions, upheavals, and readjustments to life. It's never easy. The revisions demanded for growth are more than a change in ideas." - Swami Rama
NEW! Turning Light Center adds BOWENWORK to its offerings!
Bowenwork briefly: Bowenwork is a very gentle form of bodywork leading to neuro-muscular re-patterning. Small, gentle, precise moves are made on muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs, and nerves, triggering the body’s internal healing response to restore balance, ease, and improved function. Nerve receptors activated during treatment act to calm the body and mind, and facilitate the body’s ability to heal.All the major systems of the body are influenced during a Bowen treatment: nervous, fascial and skeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, immune, lymphatic – supporting muscle coordination, postural alignment, and overall structural and functional integrity. FMI What is Bowenwork