The Kleshas: Exploring What Entangles Us and What Frees Us

We want to be happy. We want to feel good. We want our lives to mean something. Yet, we find ourselves accompanied by nagging voices of self-doubt, disillusionment, and worry. While seeking to feel good, we experience some form of mild discontent or all out misery. Why? What is it that keeps the happiness and fulfillment we seek such a nebulous attainment at best?

Yogic philosophy answers this question in one word, the Kleshas. Based on Deborah’s new book, The Kleshas:  Exploring the Elusiveness of Happiness, this workshop will focus on the binding forces of the kleshas, what frees us from their entanglement, and the role the mind plays in this process.

Class will include short lectures with opportunities for reflection, experimentation and discussion. Saturday we’ll share a BYO sack lunch together.  

Dates:  Nov 2-3

Times:  Sat 9-12, 1-4 and Sunday 10-1

Location:  Turning Light Center

Registration: $225 

I am also excited about an optional “continuation” as a monthly group (6 months?) with weekly thought-provoking questions for reflection based on Deb’s book and the reflection process she suggests. As with Yamas & Niyamas Study Groups held here in the past, these groups are a life-changing means to apply what we learn in this weekend workshop into the stream of our daily lives.

The Kleshas: Exploring the Elusiveness of Happiness

The best place to purchase Deb’s books is through her home page (that way she gets the commission instead of Amazon or another company!). Both books and the audio options are there with push-button ordering – plus you can read more about the topic if you like.  

About Deborah: Deborah Adele is an engaging, lively, and thought-provoking speaker who is not afraid to share stories from her own years of living and learning. She facilitates thoughtful and tangible ways of showing up to life in new ways, leaving participants with a dynamic combination of hope, inspiration, and practical knowledge. 

A longtime student of yoga philosophy, Deborah is the author of The Yamas & Niyamas:  Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice and The Kleshas:  Exploring the Elusiveness of Happiness.

 A brief article/excerpt:

Note: this is one of the last chances to hear Deborah teach in person as she will not be teaching in 2025 or 2026 … the next book is asking to be written!